Book Fair FAQ

When is the Book Fair, where will it be, and what time is it open?

The GCA Book Fair is open December 11th through 13th and will be open each day 7:45-9am and 3-6pm in the Wales Theater. This year it’s also online from December 1st to 15th.

What will I find at Book Fair?

Book Fair is like a pop-up book store (and then some) that coincides with Gordon’s Visiting Author Program. You will find:

Which authors and illustrators will be visiting with my child’s grade for the Visiting Author Program?

Director of Gordon’s Joukowsky Family Library, Frances Martindale, has arranged for a fantastic array of authors and illustrators to connect with Gordon students throughout the week during class time in age-appropriate ways. See the full schedule of author visits and book signings.

Can my child buy books during the school day?

No, we will only be open for sales in the morning and afternoon.
One day before the book fair, on Tuesday, December 10th, on what we call Love-a-Book Day, all students will come through with their classes to browse both new and used books and select one used book that they can take home that day for free. There will be new book wish lists available for the students to write down their wishes and take home to their caregivers for later purchase during fair hours or online.

Can I order books online?

Yes! This year our new book vendor, Wakefield Books, offers us an opportunity to buy books online, starting before Book Fair and continuing through the weekend after (December 1st through 15th). Ordering instructions and a link to Wakefield Books are available here.

How can I pay for books? 

We accept credit cards, ApplePay or cash. 

What does the money raised from Book Fair support?

All money raised from Book Fair supports Gordon, funding community engagement programming (such as GCA events), future visiting authors, the library and more.

I’m interested in helping out at Book Fair. How do I do that? 

Book Fair relies on volunteers to be successful. We’d love your help! See available shifts and sign up using our SignUp Genius.
If you need childcare during your volunteer shift and your child is not already signed up for Gators or YAP, please add your information to this form for free child care until 5:30pm.

How did all of this come together?

Book Fair is a full-team effort with a group of dedicated parent volunteers who work with Gordon staff to make the magic happen. We are grateful to Book Fair Co-Chairs Jennifer Turner, Johanna Paavilainen, Sarah Funke Butler; to the marketing team members Marisa Kambour, Amy Rine, Jesse Kalb, Julia McCann; to volunteer coordinator and teacher liaison Alisa DeLage; to used books co-chair Keith Andrade; and to all book sorting volunteers, set up and day of volunteers, visiting author and library volunteers, baked goods coordinators; to Park Slope Copy Plus for the generous donation of printing services; to Go East Promotional Products for the generous donation of promotional services; to GCA Co-Presidents Leila Zarlenga and Jackie Delamatre; to the amazing Gordon library team: Frances Martindale, Sandy Horton, Glen Quinette; and to all other key stakeholders: Geoff Griffin, Anne Marie Ticaric, Veronica Jutras, Alethea Dunham-Carson, Alexandra O’Connor, Tom Cicatiello, Marlon Henry, Carmen Garcia, Eddy Dalo, Rob Howard, Clare Blackmer, Matthew Boyd, Minna Ham, Cendi Arias Henry, Noni Thomas López, and anyone else we might be forgetting for all of their support!

Whom can I contact with questions? 

For general Book Fair questions or to find out more about volunteering, please contact the Book Fair co-chairs Jennifer Turner ( or Johanna Paavilainen ( To help with used books, please contact Sarah Funke Butler (