Schedule of Events

Wednesday, December 11th

Daytime presentations by Cynthia Levinson

Seventh grade writing workshop: exploring points of view in nonfiction using Fault Lines in the Constitution, Freedom to Learn and The Youngest Marcher.

Behind the Scenes of The People’s Painter for third, fifth and sixth grade: behind the scenes of creating an award winning nonfiction book

Book signings in the Wales Theater

3:45-4:45pm Maggie Mulvenia Pearson, author of The Feast & Fettle Cookbook

4-5pm Cynthia Levinson and Sanford Levinson

Evening presentation by Cynthia Levinson and Sanford Levinson - Postponed!

Postponed due to the extreme weather forecasted for this evening. 

The Levinsons have graciously agreed to reschedule. Look for a new date to be announced soon.

More information and RSVP

Thursday, December 12th

Daytime presentations by Karla Harry Visiting Author Traci Sorell

Third and fourth grade presentation: picture book biographies and Traci's book One Land Many Nations Cherokee; centering lived experience, contemporary Indigenous life and connections with classroom curriculum on change makers and activism  

Seventh grade writing workshop: connections with NANOWRIMO, classroom humanities curriculum, and students’ close reading of Mascot

Daytime presentations by Valerie Bolling

Early childhood reading

"My Author Journey" presentation with first and second grade: connections with small moment stories and GSMPBA (Gordon School Multicultural Picture Book Award)

"Telling Stories from Different Perspectives" presentation with fifth and sixth grade: an interactive workshop with student discussion centered on “What story is possibly being told?”

3:50-4:10 Pop-up read at Book Fair with Gators in the Wales Theater

Book signings in the Wales Theater

4:15-5:15pm Valerie Bolling

4:30-5:30pm Traci Sorell: Karla Harry Visiting Author

Evening presentation by Karla Harry Visiting Author Traci Sorell 


Writing workshop for teachers and the community hosted by the Tomaquag Museum and Gordon 

Exploring voice and visibility and the path to creating published works by Indigenous authors. 

More details to be announced.

Friday, December 13th

Daytime presentations by Karla Harry Visiting Author Traci Sorell

Storytelling and Contemporary Indigenous Life with Kindergarten, first and second grade: connections with outdoor learning, small moment stories and the current Gordon School Multicultural Picture Book Award nominee Click, Clack! Smack!

Middle School presentation: an overview of Sorell's work with activism and her path from a Federal Indigenous Law Attorney and policy advocate to award winning author

Book signings in the Wales Theater

3:30-4:30 Traci Sorell: Karla Harry Visiting Author